Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sonic X in Japanese

Just today, I have uploaded episode 1 of Sonic X in Japanese with English subtitles, but what's the difference? I'll name 3 three things:
  1. There are swear words.
  2. The title is longer and different.
  3. More violent and dramatic.
Here's episode 1 of Sonic X in Japanese (this is just a warm-up of what's to come later in the series):
WARNING: This episode is rated TV-PG-L for moderate language.


TheSims2aholic said...

I have watched quite a few English episodes thinking that the Japanese episodes were the same but then I found a article that said the Sonic X Fanbase says the Japanese are much better so thank you for uploading this to watch!!!

Letavos said...


aparece mais vezes

Letavos said...