Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sonic X in Japanese

Just today, I have uploaded episode 1 of Sonic X in Japanese with English subtitles, but what's the difference? I'll name 3 three things:
  1. There are swear words.
  2. The title is longer and different.
  3. More violent and dramatic.
Here's episode 1 of Sonic X in Japanese (this is just a warm-up of what's to come later in the series):
WARNING: This episode is rated TV-PG-L for moderate language.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

4Kids Decided to...

Remember when you used to watch Sonic X every Saturday morning at 9:00am? Well, after showing "Rebirth of the Planets," 4Kids canceled Sonic X for a year, but now, at 11:15am when I was just flipping through the channels, I stopped at channel 2 and found out, 4Kids brought back Sonic X! So, starting today, May 5, 2007, 4Kids will show reruns, starting from episode 1, of Sonic X every Saturday at 11:00am! Oh, and if you're from Mexico, Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Good News!

Hey all you Sonic Fans! Do you know about the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl coming out for the Wii? Well, Sega and Nintendo had a conference on whether or not Sonic will be in the game, S.S.B.B. and there is a 70% chance that Sonic will be in the game! Now, as the days go on, I will continue to update this post until it is official that Sonic is or isn't in the game. The game will come out somewhere in the summer of 2007. Keep your fingers crossed for the blue hedgehog hero, and here's the newest and latest fan-made trailer to keep hopes of this moment: